
Accomodation Australia News

News Affecting the Accommodation Industry

Industry seeks urgent action from Government to address critical labour & skills shortages

As we move into a post-JobKeeper environment, with the continued closure of international borders, uncertainty around state borders and the loss of migrant and casual workers, the industry is struggling to fill the significant labour and skills gaps that have emerged, as uneven demand returns.

The Association has been active in raising the issue of shortages both at a State and Federal level. Those who have engaged with the Academy will acknowledge the solid work being done to encourage Australians into the industry, provide the training and the placement into hotels.

However, there are immediate and critical shortages specifically for housekeepers and chefs, which are directly impacting the ability of the industry to rebound. The lack of available people for these roles is resulting in the closure of rooms and outlets, reduction of service and reduced capacity for creating amazing experiences. We have been active in documenting these impacts and liaising with the offices of Minister Hawke and Minister Tehan, Home Affairs, Immigration and the National Skills Commission directly. We anticipate a policy response in the coming month.

In the medium and long term, the current Inquiry into Skilled Migration by the Joint Standing Committee on Migration, has provided us with an opportunity to reinforce the changes required if the industry is to access the labour and skills necessary to recover in a timely and sustainable way.

Ultimately, a responsive migration program that is less expensive, less complex, timelier and recognises the importance of pathways to permanent migration, will be essential to the full recovery of the accommodation sector and the ability of the Australian visitor economy to meet increases in visitor demand.

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