
Accomodation Australia News

News Affecting the Accommodation Industry

Message from the CEO - October

29 October 2020

This weekend will see Queenslanders head to the voting booth in the second election since COVID-19 . What is clear is that this election will be different to the NT one a few months ago and it will go down to the wire. Insights from polling data are suggesting there will be a swing away from the sitting ALP Government in the regions but a swing to them in South East Queensland.

For the LNP their success will come from an apparent collapse in One Nation support providing an opportunity to form Government most likely in minority with the support of the Katter Party. Polls prior to the coronavirus outbreak had the LNP ahead, however, the Premier’s personal popularity has since increased largely because of her publicly popular handling of the pandemic at the expense of the tourism and accommodation Sectors.

However, we are expecting an important announcement from the Queensland Government tomorrow on the opening of the borders. We will continue to work the phones and meeting the key decision makers to push to make this happen.

Our advocacy activities have continued with a clear focus on three pillars (asset protection, employee retention and growing demand). We know for our sector to rebound, the elements of these priority pillars must be implemented. Over the coming weeks, you will be hearing more from us on how you can get involved with the direct advocacy activities, as we work to another federal budget in 6 months.

Most of you would have also seen we have led the way in recommencing our in-person events with market updates taking place around the country. This is important to ensure you have the best available data and insights as you plan for what will be a challenging start to 2021.

Finally, it has been eight months since Australia’s borders closed and our industry experienced a downturn not seen since the great depression. Reflecting on the impact this has had on our sector, I am extremely proud to lead your team here at the Accommodation Association through this continuing crisis. It is not a statement I write lightly, ensuring our Sector has had a seat at the table and delivering outcomes especially in times of need is why I took this role about 18 months ago.

As always, the team of the Accommodation Association is here to help and should you require assistance on any matter, please don't hesitate to contact us on 02 8666 9015 or


Regards, Dean Long

CEO - Accommodation Association

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