Workplace Relations Services

Member Services

Accommodation Australia Workplace Relations Team provides members with a range of advice and assistance regarding employment matters.  In today’s constantly changing industrial landscape it is important that members are well informed and kept up to date on a variety of employment issues.  In April 2009 the workplace ombudsman (now Fair Work Ombudsman) advised that they had never prosecuted a member of an employer organisation, stating that employer organisations provide sound advice to members and was the best ‘insurance policy’ against intervention by IR enforcement agencies.

Below is an overview of the services offered to Accommodation Australia members.

Workplace Relations Helpline

Accommodation Australia Workplace Relations Advisors provide thorough and accurate advice and assistance to members in a wide range of employment relations issues including:

  • Performance management of employees 
  • Unfair dismissals and unlawful terminations
  • Award interpretations and minimum employment conditions
  • Wage rates and allowances
  • Employee leave entitlements
  • Recruitment
  • WorkCover and Occupational Health and Safety

For more information contact the state that you property is located in.

ACT - 0488 692 882  
NSW - 02 8218 1847 
NT - 08 8981 3650  
QLD - 07 3221 6999  
SA - 08 8232 4525 
TAS - 03 6220 7300  
VIC - 03 8631 7999  
WA - 08 9321 7701  

Special Service Charge at a Discounted Price

Accommodation Australia Workplace Relations Advisors are experienced in representing members in Federal and State Industrial Commissions (e.g. Fair Work Australia, Anti-Discrimination Commission etc) and can advise and represent your property with workplace agreement negotiations, unfair dismissal claims, discrimination claims, wage claims and many other workplace issues.

Accommodation Australia can also develop a range of other human resource and industrial relations related handbooks, policies and procedures that are individualised for your property.  

Resident Managers Contract

Accommodation Australia has available for purchase a resident managers contract. This contract has been developed by Accommodation Australia into account the needs of operators within the accommodation industry, the customary relationship that exists between employers and resident managers, and statutory obligations under federal workplace laws.

  • Developed by industry professionals for industry professionals
  • 10 page simple, non-legalistic template employment contract with explanatory information
  • Suitable for national system employers
  • Can be modified to include terms applicable to joint management team arrangements

Information Sheets

As a member of Accommodation Australia you have access to a number of information sheets on topics including:

  • Managing employee performance
  • Termination of employment including dismissal and redundancy
  • Superannuation
  • Workplace policies and procedures
  • Transfer of business
  • Enterprise agreement making
  • Record keeping and payslips
  • Annual leave, personal/carers leave, long service leave, parental leave, etc 
  • The Fair Work Act 2009 and National Employment Standards
  • And many more!

Wage Rates and Awards

On joining Accommodation Australia members will gain access to Workplace Relations information sheets, template policies and a copy of the award. The wage schedules, copies of the award and other useful information sheets/template policies are also available on Accommodation Australia state websites.

Sample Forms, Contracts, Letters and Policies

As a member of  Accommodation Australia you have access to a number of tools which can assist you in managing the employment relationship.  We can provide members with the following samples and templates:

  • Warning letters
  • Termination letters
  • Letters of appointment
  • Sample policies on issues including social media, grievance handling and harassment

For more information on any of these services, please contact the representative in your state: