
Accomodation Australia News

News Affecting the Accommodation Industry

Revitalisation of Sydney’s Night-Time Economy

The NSW Parliament Joint Select Committee Inquiry into Sydney's night-time economy was convened on the 29 May 2019.  The Association provided a submission to the inquiry and was represented at the Hearings.

On the 30 September 2019 the Joint Select Committee published its report consisting of a total of 40 recommendations focussed on rejuvenating the night-time economy. The Association welcomed the Committee’s recommendations inclusive of:

  • That the NSW Government appoint an overarching coordinator to bring together all relevant stakeholders to enhance Sydney's night-time economy;
  • The recognition of the need for more arts and music venues, to support demand growth;
  • Improvements and enhancements to late-night transport options;
  • Better surveillance and policing and appropriate lighting in the streets and parks to enhance safety;
  • That the NSW Government allocate funding to promote Sydney’s night-time economy to both a domestic and international audience;

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