Barrack Broking is a financial services firm, specialising in risk consulting and general insurance broking.
Barrack Brokering is a team of experienced professionals who specialize in serving the accommodation industry. We have helped a wide range of clients, from hotels and motels to student accommodation and luxury holiday resorts.
Our purpose is to help you succeed. We start by understanding what success means to you and then identify the barriers that are preventing you from reaching your goals. We add value by thoroughly investigating your current risk management activities and making recommendations on how to refine or enhance them.
Barrack Broking offers a wide range of services, including:
- Risk assessment and analysis
- Insurance policy selection and placement
- Claims management
- Risk management consulting
Contact: Charles Gow-Gates
Phone: +61 7 3180 8825
Mobile: +61 410 503 010
Email: cgowgates@barrack.com.au
Website: https://www.barrack.com.au/our-expertise/accommodation/