
The Accommodation Association provides and delivers high quality training to its members and partners, covering a vast range of products ranging from pre-employment programs, fee for service training and nationally recognised qualifications through the Vocational, Education and Training framework.

The benefits are –

  • Advice on the training products offered that best suit the business and employee needs.
  • Advice on Government funding that our members may be eligible for to assist in the training costs.
  • Referral to the Accommodation Association, endorsed, Registered Training Organisation (RTO) partners to ensure high quality and flexible learning are delivered.
  • Partnering opportunities on our pre-employment programs to give job-seekers training, skills and experience for recruitment.
  • Government lobbying and consultation on behalf of industry.

NACE was created to represent the sector and work together to better understand the needs of industry and cater for the demand in skilled workers required through our pre employment programs we run nationally.  Please see the NACE video:

For more information, please contact –

Accommodation Association
Phone – 1300 304 397
Email – thehub@aaoa.com.au